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What is an autoclave and why is it indispensable in podiatry?

An autoclave is a device for sterilizing medical instruments through the use of heat and steam pressure. This process effectively eliminates microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and fungi that can cause infections. Unlike other cleaning processes, steam sterilization achieves complete sterility - an essential factor, especially in invasive procedures such as the treatment of open wounds or the treatment of diabetic foot.

However, the importance of autoclaves goes beyond pure hygiene:

  • They help to fulfill legal requirements, such as the hygiene guidelines of the German Podiatry Association.

  • They minimize the risk of infection and thus protect both patients and the practice team.

  • They support an efficient workflow, as the instruments are quickly ready for use again.

From May 2024, the hygiene regulations in North Rhine-Westphalia stipulate that podiatry practices may only use class B autoclaves to sterilize invasive instruments. These devices offer maximum safety thanks to their fractionated vacuum process, which reliably sterilizes even complex instruments with cavities.

The risk classification of instruments: Basis for the choice of autoclave

The choice of the right autoclave depends crucially on the risk classification of the instruments used. This is based on the design and the application on the patient:

1. classification according to design

  • A: No cavities or parts that are difficult to access, unlimited reprocessing cycles possible.

  • B: Cavities or difficult-to-access parts present, limited reprocessing cycles.

  • C: Complex instruments with cavities, not thermostable.

2. classification according to application

  • Non-critical instruments: Only touch intact skin.

  • Semi-critical instruments: Come into contact with mucous membranes or pathologically altered skin.

  • Critical instruments: Penetrate skin or mucous membranes or come into contact with blood, tissue or internal organs.

Sterilization in podiatry: the correct reprocessing cycle

Sterilization is always based on the risk classification. For example:

  • Non-critical instruments

    can be chemically cleaned and disinfected.

  • Semi-critical instruments

    can also be sterilized to ensure maximum safety.

  • Critical instruments

    (e.g. in the treatment of diabetic foot) must always be packed and sterilized.

Class B or class S: which autoclave is the right one?

The requirements for an autoclave depend on the instruments used and the legal requirements. In podiatry, there are two main classes:

  • Class B autoclaves: These devices are suitable for all types of instruments, including wrapped and unwrapped instruments with cavities. They use the fractionated vacuum process to ensure complete deaeration and sterilization.

  • Class S autoclaves: A good choice for less complex instruments or semi-critical applications. These devices are often less expensive, but offer less flexibility in sterilizing complex instruments.

For podiatry practices that also use critically classified instruments, Class B autoclaves are usually the best choice due to their versatility and reliability.

Why a modern autoclave is worthwhile

A modern autoclave offers far more than just safety:

  • Efficiency: faster sterilization cycles and rapid vacuum drying make your instruments ready for use again in no time.

  • Sustainability: New devices are energy-efficient and resource-saving.

  • Documentation: Integrated smart technologies such as USB and network interfaces simplify the seamless documentation of sterilization processes.

One example of such an autoclave is the SteriHero Podo 18, which is specially tailored to the requirements of podiatry. With a load capacity of up to 5 kg, fast cycle times and intuitive operation, it ensures a smooth day-to-day practice.

Conclusion: Invest in safety and efficiency

A high-performance autoclave is the key to achieving the highest standards of hygiene in your podiatry practice. By choosing the right device and consistently implementing the sterilization specifications, you can protect your patients, increase efficiency and meet legal requirements at the same time.


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